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Siege of Petersburg
Union Official Records 71 through 140

Volume XLIII

Lieut. Col. George F. Hopper

10th New York Infantry

Lieut. Andrew Boyd

108th New York Infantry

Maj. Patrick S. Tinen

69th Pennsylvania Infantry

Capt. Charles McAnally

69th Pennsylvania Infantry

Lieut. John H. Gallager

106th Pennsylvania Infantry

Capt. John Fordyce

7th West Virginia Infantry

Maj. Gen. Gershom Mott

Commander, 3rd Division

Lieut. Charles F. Moore

8th New Jersey Infantry


Capt. Edwin B. Houghton

17th Maine Infantry

Acting Division Inspector

Chaplain Lorenzo Barber

2nd U.S. Sharpshooters

Brig. Gen. Regis de Trobriand

Commander, 1st Brigade

Col. John Pulford

5th Michigan Infantry

Commander, 2nd Brigade

Brig. Gen. Byron R. Pierce

Commander, 2nd Brigade

Maj. Nathaniel Shatswell

1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery

Maj. Daniel G. Root

5th Michigan Infantry

Col. John Pulford

5th Michigan Infantry

Lieut. Col. Benjamin C. Butler

93rd New York Infantry

Lieut. Col. Alanson H. Nelson

57th Pennsylvania Infantry

Lieut. Col. William B. Neeper

57th Pennsylvania Infantry

Capt. Lorenzo D. Bumpus

57 Pennsylvania Infantry

Lieut. Col. George Zinn

84th Pennsylvania Infantry

Capt. John R. Ross

84th Pennsylvania Infantry

Capt. Charles E. Patton

105th Pennsylvania Infantry

Capt. John E. Conser

105th Pennsylvania Infantry



Capt. James Miller

105th Pennsylvania Infantry

Lieut. Col. Caspar W. Tyler

141st Pennsylvania Infantry

Capt. John Wilson

1st U.S. Sharpshooters

Capt. Henry C. Garrison

1st U.S. Sharpshooters

Capt. Benjamin M. Peck

141st Pennsylvania Infantry

Commander, 1st U.S. Sharpshooters

Bvt. Brig. Gen. Robert McAllister

Commander, 3rd Brigade

Maj. Charles C. Rivers

11th Massachusetts Infantry

Capt. Thomas C. Godfrey

5th New Jersey Infantry

Lieut. Col. Francis Price

7th New Jersey Infantry

Capt. Michael Beahen

8th New Jersey Infantry

Lieut. Col. John Schoonover

11th New Jersey Infantry

Lieut. Col. John R. Tappen

120th New York Infantry

Capt. A. Judson Clark

Battery B, 1st New Jersey Light Artillery

Maj. John G. Hazard

1st Rhode Island Light Artillery

Capt. Edwin B. Dow

6th Maine Battery

Lieut. Harry H. Granger

10th Massachusetts Battery

Lieut. Edward S. Smith

15th New York Battery

Commander, 10th Massachusetts Battery

Capt. Christian Woerner

3rd New Jersey Battery

Capt. Nelson Ames

Battery G, 1st New York Heavy Artillery

Lieut. Frank Seymour

Battery L, 1st New York Light Artillery

Capt. John E. Burton

11th New York Battery

Lieut. George K. Dauchy

12th New York Battery

Capt. R. Bruce Ricketts

Battery F, 1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery



Capt. T. Fred. Brown

1st Rhode Island Light Artillery

Commander, Batteries A and B

Lieut. John W. Roder

Battery K, 4th U.S. Artillery

Lieut. W. Butler Beck

5th U.S. Artillery, Batteries C and I

Maj. Gen. Gouverneur K. Warren

Commander, V Corps

Brig. Gen. Samuel W. Crawford

Commander, V Corps

Surg. T. Rush Spencer

Medical Director

Asst. Surg. Charles K. Winne

Medical Inspector

Capt. William F. Drum

2nd. U.S. Infantry

Chief Ambulance Officer

Lieut. George W. Dresser

4th U.S. Infantry

Inspector of Artillery

Brig. Gen. Charles Griffin

Commander, 1st Division

Lieut. Col. William A. Throop

1st Michigan Infantry

Commander, 1st Brigade

Col. Horatio G. Sickel

198th Pennsylvania Infantry

Commander, 1st Brigade

Capt. Nathaniel Lang

121st Pennsylvania Infantry

Lieut. Col. Horatio N. Warren

142nd Pennsylvania Infantry

Capt. Chester K. Hughes

143rd Pennsylvania Infantry

Lieut. Col. John Irvin

149th Pennsylvania Infantry

Maj. George W. Jones

150th Pennsylvania Infantry

Capt. Joseph A. Ege

187th Pennsylvania Infantry

Col. Edgar M. Gregory

91st Pennsylvania Infantry

Commander, 2nd Brigade

Col. James Gwyn

118th Pennsylvania Infantry

Commander, 3rd Brigade

Capt. Joseph F. Land

20th Maine Infantry

Capt. Luther S. Bent

18th Massachusetts Infantry

Maj. George G. Hopper

1st Michigan Infantry



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