Siege of Petersburg
Union Official Records 71 through 140
Volume XLIII
10th New York Infantry
108th New York Infantry
69th Pennsylvania Infantry
69th Pennsylvania Infantry
106th Pennsylvania Infantry
7th West Virginia Infantry
Commander, 3rd Division
8th New Jersey Infantry
17th Maine Infantry
Acting Division Inspector
2nd U.S. Sharpshooters
Commander, 1st Brigade
5th Michigan Infantry
Commander, 2nd Brigade
Commander, 2nd Brigade
1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery
5th Michigan Infantry
5th Michigan Infantry
Lieut. Col. Benjamin C. Butler
93rd New York Infantry
57th Pennsylvania Infantry
57th Pennsylvania Infantry
57 Pennsylvania Infantry
84th Pennsylvania Infantry
84th Pennsylvania Infantry
105th Pennsylvania Infantry
105th Pennsylvania Infantry
105th Pennsylvania Infantry
141st Pennsylvania Infantry
1st U.S. Sharpshooters
1st U.S. Sharpshooters
141st Pennsylvania Infantry
Commander, 1st U.S. Sharpshooters
Bvt. Brig. Gen. Robert McAllister
Commander, 3rd Brigade
11th Massachusetts Infantry
5th New Jersey Infantry
7th New Jersey Infantry
8th New Jersey Infantry
11th New Jersey Infantry
120th New York Infantry
Battery B, 1st New Jersey Light Artillery
1st Rhode Island Light Artillery
6th Maine Battery
10th Massachusetts Battery
15th New York Battery
Commander, 10th Massachusetts Battery
3rd New Jersey Battery
Battery G, 1st New York Heavy Artillery
Battery L, 1st New York Light Artillery
11th New York Battery
12th New York Battery
Battery F, 1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery
1st Rhode Island Light Artillery
Commander, Batteries A and B
Battery K, 4th U.S. Artillery
5th U.S. Artillery, Batteries C and I
Maj. Gen. Gouverneur K. Warren
Commander, V Corps
Commander, V Corps
Medical Director
Medical Inspector
2nd. U.S. Infantry
Chief Ambulance Officer
4th U.S. Infantry
Inspector of Artillery
Commander, 1st Division
1st Michigan Infantry
Commander, 1st Brigade
198th Pennsylvania Infantry
Commander, 1st Brigade
121st Pennsylvania Infantry
142nd Pennsylvania Infantry
143rd Pennsylvania Infantry
149th Pennsylvania Infantry
150th Pennsylvania Infantry
187th Pennsylvania Infantry
91st Pennsylvania Infantry
Commander, 2nd Brigade
118th Pennsylvania Infantry
Commander, 3rd Brigade
20th Maine Infantry
18th Massachusetts Infantry
1st Michigan Infantry