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Battle of Shiloh
Army of Tennessee Order of Battle

Brigadier-General Ulysses S. Grant


First Division

Major-General John A. McClernand

First Brigade

Colonel A. M. Hare (Wounded)

Colonel M. M. Crocker

Eighth Illinois

Captain James M. Ashmore (Wounded)

Captain William H. Harvey (Killed)

Captain R. H. Sturgess

Eighteenth Illinois

Major Samuel Eaton (Wounded)

Captain Daniel H. Brush (Wounded)

Captain William J. Dillon (Killed)

Captain J. J. Anderson

Eleventh Iowa

Lieutenant Colonel William Hall

13th Iowa

Colonel Marcellus M. Crocker

Battery D, Second Illinois Artillery

Colonel James P. Timony

Second Brigade

Colonel C. Carroll Marsh

Eleventh Illinois

Lieutenant Colonel T. E. G. Ransom (Wounded)

Major Garrett Evans (Wounded)

Captain Lloyd D. Waddell

Major Garrett Nevins

Twentieth Illinois

Lieutenant Colonel Evan Richards (Wounded)

Captain Orton Frisbie

Forty-fifth Illinois

Colonel John E. Smith

Forty-eighth Illinois

Colonel Isham N. Haynie (Wounded)

Major Manning Mayfield

Third Brigade

Colonel Julius Raith (Mortally Wounded)

Lieutenant Colonel Enos P. Wood

Major Francis M. Smith

Twentieth-ninth Illinois

Lieutenant Colonel Charles M. Ferrell

Forty-third Illinois

Lieutenant Colonel Adolph Engelmann

Forty-ninth Illinois

Lieutenant Colonel Phineas Pease

Company Illinois Cavalry

Captain E. Carmichael


Stewart's Company Illinois Cavalry

Lieutenant Ezra King

Battery D, First Illinois Artillery

Captain Edward McAllister (Wounded)

Battery E, Second Illinois Artillery

Lieutenant George L. Nispel

Fourteenth Ohio Battery

Captain J. B. Burrows


Second Division

Brigadier General W. H. L. Wallace (Mortally Wounded)

Colonel James M. Tuttle

First Brigade

Colonel James M. Tuttle

Second Iowa

Lieutenant Colonel James Baker

Seventy Iowa

Colonel James C. Parrott

Twelfth Iowa

Colonel Joseph J. Woods (Wounded)

Captain Samuel R. Edgington

Fourteenth Iowa

Colonel William T. Shaw

Second Brigade

Brigadier General John McArthur (Wounded)

Colonel Thomas Morton

Ninth Illinois

Colonel August Mersy

Twelfth Illinois

Lieutenant Colonel Augustus L. Chetlain

Captain James R. Hugunin

Eighty-first Ohio

Colonel Thomas Morton

Thirteenth Missouri

Colonel Crafts J. Wright

Fourteenth Missouri (Birge's Sharp-shooters)

Colonel R. S. Compton

Third Brigade

Colonel Thomas W. Sweeney (Wounded)

Colonel Silas D. Baldwin

Eighth Iowa

Colonel James L. Geddes (Wounded and Captured)

Seventh Illinois

Major Richard Rowett

Fiftieth Illinois

Colonel Moses M. Bane (Wounded)

Fifty-second Illinois

Major Henry Stark

Captain Edwin A. Bowen

Fifty-seventh Illinois

Colonel Silas D. Baldwin

Lieutenant Colonel F. J. Hurlbut

Fifth-eighth Illinois

William F. Lynch (Captured)


Company C, Second Cavalry

Company I, Fourth U. S. Cavalry

Lieutenant James Powell

Companies A and B, Second Illinois

Captain John R. Hotaling

Captain Thomas J. Larrison


Battery A, First Illinois

Lieutenant Peter P. Wood

Battery D, First Missouri

Captain Henry Richardson

Battery H, First Missouri

Captain Frederick Welker

Battery K, First Missouri

Captain George H. Stone

Third Division

Major General Lew Wallace

First Brigade

Colonel Morgan L. Smith

Eleventh Indiana

Colonel G. F. McGinnis

Twenty-fourth Indiana

Colonel Alvin P. Hovey

Eighth Missouri

Lieutenant Colonel James Peckman

Second Brigade

Colonel John M. Thayer

Twenty-third Indiana

Colonel W. L. Sanderson

First Nebraska

Lieutenant Colonel William D. McCord

Fifty-sixth Ohio

Colonel Peter Kinney

Fifty-eighth Ohio

Colonel Valentine Bausenwein

Third Brigade

Colonel Charles Whittlesey

Twentieth Ohio

Lieutenant Colonel Manning F. Force

Sixty-eighth Ohio

Colonel H. S. Steedman

Seventy-sixth Ohio

Colonel Charles R. Woods

Seventy-eighth Ohio

Colonel M. D. Leggett


Ninth Indiana Battery

Captain N. S. Thompson

Battery I, First Missouri

Lieutenant Charles H. Thurber


Third Battalion, Eleventh Illinois

Major James F. Johnson

Third Battalion, Fifth Ohio

Major C. S. Hayes



Fourth Division

Brigadier General Stephen A. Hurlbut

First Brigade

Colonel N. G. Williams (Wounded)

Colonel Isaac C. Pugh

Twenty-eighth Illinois

Colonel A. K. Johnson

Thirty-second Illinois

Colonel John Logan (Wounded)

Forty-first Illinois

Colonel Isaac C. Pugh

Lieutenant Colonel Ansel Tupper (Killed)

Major John Warner

Captain John H. Nale

Third Iowa

Major William M. Stone (Captured)

Lieutenant G. W. Crosley

Second Brigade

Colonel James C. Veatch

Fourteenth Illinois

Colonel Cyrus Hall

Fifteenth Illinois

Lieutenant Colonel E. F. W. Ellis (Killed)

Captain Louis D. Kelley

Lieutenant Colonel William Cam

Forty-sixth Illinois

Colonel John A. Davis (Wounded)

Lieutenant Colonel John J. Jones

Twenty-fifth Indiana

Lieutenant Colonel William H. Morgan (Wounded)

Major John W. Foster

Third Brigade

Brigadier General Jacob G. Lauman

Thirty-first Indiana

Colonel Charles Cruft (Wounded)

Lieutenant Colonel John Osburn

Forty-fourth Indiana

Colonel Hugh B Reed

Seventeenth Kentucky

Colonel John H. McHenry, Jr.

Twenty-fifth Kentucky

Lieutenant Colonel B. H. Bristow

Major William B. Wall (Wounded)

Colonel John H. McHenry, Jr.


First and Second Battalions, Fifth Ohio

Colonel W. H. H. Taylor


Second Michigan Battery

Lieutenant C. W. Laing

Mann's Missouri Battery

Lieutenant Edward Brotzmann

Thirteenth Ohio Battery

Captain John B. Myers


Fifth Division

Brigadier General William T. Sherman

First Brigade

Colonel John A. McDowell

Fortieth Illinois

Colonel Stephen G. Wicks (Wounded)

Lieutenant Colonel James W. Boothe

Sixth Iowa

Captain John Williams (Wounded)

Captain Madison M. Walden

Forty-sixth Ohio

Colonel Thomas Worthington

Sixth Indiana Battery

Captain Frederick Behr (Killed)

Second Brigade

Colonel David Stuart (Wounded)

Lieutenant Colonel Oscar Malmborg (Temporary)

Colonel T. Kilby Smith

Fifty-fifth Illinois

Lieutenant Colonel Oscar Malmborg

Fifty-fourth Ohio

Colonel T. Kilby Smith

Lieutenant Colonel James A. Farden

Seventy-first Ohio

Colonel Rodney Mason

Third Brigade

Colonel Jesse Hildebrand

Fifty-third Ohio

Colonel J. J. Appler

Lieutenant Colonel Robert A. Fulton

Fifty-seventh Ohio

Lieutenant Colonel Americus V. Rice

Seventy-seventh Ohio

Lieutenant Colonel Wills De Hass

Major Benjamin D. Fearing

Fourth Brigade

Colonel Ralph Buckland

Forty-eighth Ohio

Colonel Peter J. Sullivan (Wounded)

Lieutenant Colonel Job R. Parker

Seventieth Ohio

Colonel Joseph R. Cockerill

Seventy-second Ohio

Lieutenant Colonel Herman Canfield (Killed)

Colonel Ralph P. Buckland


First and Second Battalions, Fourth Illinois

Colonel T. Lyle Dickey


Major Ezra Taylor

Battery B, First Illinois

Captain Samuel E. Barrett

Battery E, First Illinois

Captain A. C. Waterhouse (Wounded)

Lieutenant A. R. Abbott (Wounded)

Lieutenant J. A. Fitch


Sixth Division

Brigadier General Benjamin M. Prentiss (Captured)

First Brigade

Colonel Everett Peabody (Killed)

Twelfth Michigan

Colonel Francis Quinn

Twenty-first Missouri

Colonel David Moore (Wounded)

Lieutenant Colonel H. M. Woodyard

Twenty-fifth Missouri

Colonel Robert T. Van Horn

Sixteenth Wisconsin

Colonel Benjamin Allen (Wounded)

Second Brigade

Colonel Madison Miller (Captured)

Sixty-first Illinois

Colonel Jacob Fry

Sixteenth Iowa

Colonel Alexander Chambers (Wounded)

Lieutenant Colonel A. H. Sanders

Eighteenth Missouri

Lieutenant Colonel Isaac V. Pratt


Eleventh Illinois (8 Companies)

Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll


First Minnesota Artillery

Captain Emil Munch (Wounded)

Lieutenant William Pfaender

Fifth Ohio Battery

Captain A. Hickenlooper

Unattached Infantry

Fifteenth Iowa

Colonel Hugh T. Reid

Twenty-third Missouri

Colonel Jacob T. Tindall (Killed)

Lieutenant Colonel Quin Morton (Captured)

Eighteenth Wisconsin

Colonel James S. Alban (Killed)


Unassigned Troops

Fifteenth Michigan

Colonel John M. Oliver

Fourteenth Wisconsin

Colonel David E. Wood

Battery H, First Illinois Artillery

Captain Axel Siflfersparre

Battery I, First Illinois Artillery

Captain Edward Bouton

Battery B, Second Illinois Artillery

Captain Relly Madison

Battery F, Second Illinois Artillery

Captain John W. Powell (Wounded)

Eighth Ohio Battery

Captain Louis Markgraf


Union Gun-Boats

USS Tyler

Lieutenant Commander William Gwin

USS Lexington

Lieutenant Commander James W. Shirk

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