Battle of Shiloh
Union Official Records Army of Tennessee
Official Records 1 - 28
Commander, Department of the Mississippi
Forces and Return of Casualties
Commander, Army of the Tennessee
Commander, First Division
Eleventh Iowa Infantry, Commander First Brigade of First Division
Thirteenth Iowa Infantry, Commander First Brigade of First Division
Eighth Illinois Infantry
Eighteenth Illinois Infantry
Eleventh Iowa Infantry
Thirteenth Iowa Infantry
Twentieth Illinois, Commander Second Brigade
Eleventh Illinois Infantry
Seventeenth Illinois Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, Third Brigade
Seventeenth Illinois Infantry
Forty-third Illinois Infantry
Battery E, Second Illinois Light Artillery
Commander, Second Division
Second Iowa Infantry, Commander Second Division and First Brigade
Seventh Iowa Infantry
Twelfth Iowa Infantry
Fourteenth Iowa Infantry
Ninth Illinois Infantry (of the Second Brigade, Second Division)
Twelfth Illinois Infantry
Twelfth Illinois Infantry
Thirteenth Missouri Infantry
Fourteenth Missouri Infantry
Eighty-first Ohio Infantry
Seventh Illinois Infantry
Official Records 29 - 57
Fifty-eighth Illinois Infantry
Eight Iowa Infantry
Battery D, First Missouri Light Artillery
Battery H, First Missouri Light Artillery
Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, Commander Detachment Second and Fourth U. S. Cavalry
Commander, Third Division
Eleventh Indiana Infantry
Twenty-fourth Indiana Infantry
First Nebraska Infantry, Commander Second Brigade
Twenty-third Indiana Infantry
First Nebraska Infantry
Fifty-eighth Ohio Infantry
Twentieth Ohio Infantry, Commander Third Brigade
Twentieth Ohio Infantry
Commander, Fourth Division
Forty-first Illinois Infantry, Commander, First Brigade, Fourth Division
Twenty-eighth Illinois Infantry
Thirty-second Illinois Infantry
Thirty-second Illinois Infantry
Forty-first Illinois Infantry
Third Iowa Infantry
Twenty-fifth Indiana Infantry, Commander Second Brigade, Fourth Division
Fourteenth Illinois Infantry
Fourteenth Illinois Infantry
Fifteenth Illinois Volunteers
Forty-sixth Illinois Infantry
Twenty-fifth Illinois Infantry
Commander, Third Brigade
Thirty-first Indiana Infantry
Official Records 57 - 86
Thirty-first Indiana Infantry
Forty-fourth Infantry
Seventeenth Kentucky Infantry
Twenty-fifth Kentucky Infantry
Twenty-fifth Kentucky Infantry
Second Michigan Battery
Mann's Battery, Missouri Light Artillery
Commander, Fifth Division
Sixth Iowa Infantry, Commander First Brigade
Sixth Iowa Infantry
Fifth-fifth Illinois Infantry, Commander Second Brigade
Seventy-first Ohio Infantry
Seventy-seventh Ohio Infantry, Commander Third Brigade
Fifty-third Ohio Infantry
Seventy-second Ohio Infantry, Commander Fourth Brigade
Forty-eighth Ohio Infantry
Seventieth Ohio Infantry
First Illinois Light Artillery, Chief of Artillery, Fifth Division
Battery B, First Illinois Light Artillery
Battery E, First Illinois Light Artillery
Commander, Sixth Division
Twelfth Michigan Infantry, Commander Sixth Division
Twenty-first Missouri Infantry
Twenty-first Missouri Infantry
Twenty-fifth Missouri Infantry
Sixteenth Wisconsin Infantry
Sixteenth Iowa Infantry
Fifteenth Iowa Infantry
Twenty-third Missouri Infantry