The expedition against New Orleans. - Sketched by our Special Artist.
Top Left Picture: Fort John Morgan, nine miles above New Orleans.
Top Right Picture: Battery opposite Fort John Morgan.
Center Left Picture: Interior of Fort St. Philip
Center Picture: The southwest-pass bar.
Center Right Picture: Interior of Fort Jackson
Bottom Picture: Destruction of Cotton-laden vessels by the Rebels near New Orleans, on the approach of the "Hartford," on April 25, 1862
The Capture of New Orleans
The arrival of our special artist with Commodore Farragut's squadron enable us to illustrate very fully on pages 324, 325, and 326, (above) the splendid achievements of Commodore Farragut's fleet in the Mississippi, including The Capture of New Orleans. The following extracts from our artist's letters will serve to explain the pictures.
The fleet started to attack Forts St. Philip and Jackson on 16th April. On the 17th the rebels began to send down fire-rafts, one of which we illustrate. Our artist says:
A Fire-raft
I have just come from the deck, having witnessed on of the finest sights it has ever been my lot to see. The rebels sent down a scow, about one hundred feet long, filled with pine knots, and well saturated with tar. The breeze was fresh from the southward, and it burned upward finely, looking very much like a prairie fire. Signal was made for boats to tow the raft away from the shipping, and about forty boats were manned and sent away, each provided with grapnels and fire-buckets. The picket boats Kineo and Kathadin worked around it, and fired one or two shells in it, but the Westfield went up and ran her bow into it, and then played a powerful stream of water on it. Now the boats found an opportunity, and went alongside and boarded the fire-raft, and commenced bailing water into it, and in twenty minutes they put the out. They then towed it ashore near where the one that came down in the morning was moored. While this was going on the rebels had small row-boats out watching the progress of their skill, and saw probably with regret their inglorious results and our high enjoyment. No amusement they could possibly get up could be more acceptable to our men. The mortar fleet sailors were in ecstasies, and they extinguished the flames in short order, and received the hearty cheers of the vessels as they passed along. With their two fire-rafts the rebels have accomplished nothing, except to learn us how to handle them.
The Bombardment
The bombardment began on 18th and lasted six days. The mortar vessels were grouped as shown in our picture.
They covered their mast-heads and rigging with green tree braches, so that, while lying under the friendly shelter of the trees near the forts, their masts appeared as trees over the tops of the genuine ones. The vessels which lay on the other side of the river covered their sides with tree branches, and if it were not for their masts one could tell there were any vessels there.
The artist says on the 19th:
Our mortar vessels are working well, and I learn they fire on an average eighty shells per day. According to that estimate they must have thrown already about four thousand shells up to noon to-day. It is becoming very tedious to hear nothing but bang, bang, bang, all day and all night without having a knowledge of the effect of our efforts.
The effect of the bombardment was thus described after the surrender:
The work is terribly shattered, and the casemates are nearly broken in many places. The gun-boats yesterday entirely destroyed one. Only a few men have been killed as yet. We have nearly silenced the water-battery, disabled a 10-inch Columbiad, and knocked the carriage of another to pieces. Our fire is represented as being terrific, and the least damage causes so much consternation that it requires the utmost efforts on the part of the officers to quiet the men. Our shells, when they fall, bury themselves from twelve to fourteen feet in the earth close to the fort, then explode, and make the whole fort fairly tremble with the shock. Occasionally one bursts in the fort; but those which burst outside do the most execution. There are about 1500 men in both forts, mostly foreigners, but commanded by "gentle Southern bloods."
The Fleet runs the Forts
On 24th Commodore Farragut determined to run past the forts. The fleet was formed in three divisions, and proceeded to steam up the river. Our artist says:
At precisely twenty minutes of four o'clock the enemy fire from Fort St. Philip. At that moment I hoisted our largest Star-Spangeled Banner at the peak, and then hastening forward, decked the fore and main each with an emblem of power and justice. Three American ensigns were gloating in a gentle breeze. Full speed was given to the ship, the engineers did their duty nobly, and on we went, as it were, into the jaws of death. At the time the enemy opened fire the mortar vessels went to work, and the rapidity with which they threw shells at the rebels was truly wonderful.
At five minutes of four o'clock our bow gun belched forth fire and smoke, and a messenger, in the shape of a nine-inch shell, was sent to Fort Jackson - the work, by-the-way, which we were to attend to. In a few minutes more the broadside firing was commenced. Both forts were replying as fast as they could. Broadside after broadside was being delivered to them in rapid succession, while the mortar vessels were adding to the dreadful noise.
Shot, shell, grape, and canister filled the air with deadly missiles. It was like the breaking up of a thousand worlds - crash - tear - whiz! Such another scene was never witnessed by mortal man. Steadily we steamed on, giving them shell, the forts firing rifle0shot and shell, 10-inch Columbiads, 42, 32, and 24 pounder balls; and, to add to this state of affairs, 13 steamers and the floating battery Louisiana, of the enemy, were pouring into and around us a hail-storm of iron perfectly indescribable. Not satisfied with their firing, fire-raft after fire-raft was lit and set adrift to do their work of burning. The Ram was busy at work trying to shove them under the bows of our vessel.
As we drew near abeam of the forts we intermingled grape with shell, which had the effect to silence in a measure for barbette guns. The shot from the enemy, which for some time had gone over us, now began to cut us through.
While in the port mizzen rigging the Flag-officer narrowly escaped being hit with a rifle shell. A shell burst on deck, and the concussion stunned Lieutenant George Heisler, of our Marine corps, so that for a time his life was despaired of. I started to go forward to see how things were working there, and the wind of huge rifle-shell knocked the cap off my head. It was a time of terror. Our guns were firing as rapidly as possible, and the howitzers in the tops were doing excellent execution.
The rebel steamers were crowded with troops, who fired volleys of rifle balls at us, most of which did us no harm. One of them came near us, and I think I am safe in saying she contained two hundred men. Our howitzers opened on them, and Captain Broome, of the Marine Corps, opened into her with two nine-inch guns.
An explosion - terrific yells - a careen, and that fellow was done for. Their steamers were bold and fearless, but no sooner did they come in sight of our gunners than they were sunk. The Varuna sunk six of them one after another.
In the midst of this awful scene down came a tremendous fire-raft, and the Ram shoved her under our port quarter. The flames caught our rigging and side, and for a moment it seemed we must fall a prey to the ravages of fire. A fire was also burning on the berth-deck. The fire hose was on hand, and we soon subdued the flames, and gave the Ram a dose of rifle shell. She, however, came up for us again, but some other vessel tackled her and she hauled off. During this stage of affairs we grounded, and our ate seemed sealed; but our men worked like beavers, and the engineers soon got the ship astern and afloat. It defies the powers of my brain to describe the scene at this time. The river and its banks were one sheet of flame, and the messengers of death were moving with lightning swiftness in all directions. Steadily we plied shell and grape, interspersed with shrapnel. Rebeldom began to quake; her boats were fast being riddled by well-directed broadsides, and they who were able made for the shore to run them on, so that they could save their lives. Some were on fire and others were sinking. Our boys were cheering with a hearty good-will, and well they might, for we had almost won the day, and we were nearly past the forts. Our ship had been on fire three times, and she was riddled form stem to stern. The cabin was completely gutted, the starboard steerage all torn up, and the armory all knocked into "pi." My clothing ws strewn abaft decks, and I was obliged to pick it up piece by piece. The manuscript of the bombardment came near to destruction by a rifle shell, which tore up my room and killed one man.
After being under a terrific fire for one hour and twenty minutes we were past the forts, badly cut up; a shot hole through mainmast, two in stern, and several through us. I frankly confess I am unable to describe the scene. Words can not express any adequate idea of the engagement. Wrapped up in smoke, firing and being fired at, shot and shell whistling like locomotive demons around, above, before, and in the rear of you; flames from fire-rafts encircling you, splinters flying in all directions, and shells bursting overhead! Can you imagine this scene? If you can, it is more than I can describe as I would wish to.
The Ram "Manassas"
The artist writes:
We steamed up to the Quarantine, when lo! the Ram made his appearance, and saucily fired at the Richmond. The Mississippi being near at hand, about ship for the black devil, and at him she went with the idea of running him down. The Ram ram, but finding the Mississippi gaining on him, he run his nose into he bank of the river, and immediately about thirty men came up out of the hatch and run on shore. The Mississippi fired two or three broadsides into her and boarded her, but finding she was of no earthly account again fired into her, and she drifted down the river sinking very fast.
Captain Porter of the Mortar Flotilla thus describes her last end:
Before the fleet got out of sight it was reported to me that the celebrated ram Manassas was coming out to attack us, and, sure enough, there she was, apparently steaming along shore, ready to pounce upon the apparently defenseless mortar vessels. Two of our steamers and some of the mortar vessels opened fire on her, but I soon discovered that the Manassas could harm no one again, and ordered the vessels to save their shot. She was beginning to emit smoke from her ports, or holes, and was discovered to be on fire and sinking. Her pipes were all twisted and riddled with shot, and her hull was also well cut up. She had evidently been used up by the squadron as they passed along. I tried to save here a s curiosity, by getting a hawser around her and securing her to the bank, but just after doing so she faintly exploded. her only gun went off, and emitting flames through her bow port, like some huge animal, she gave a plunge and disappeared under the water.
The "Varuna"
The gun-boat Varuna emulated the Cumberland in this conflict. Our artist says:
Captain Boggs of the Varuna, finding that a steamer (name unknown) was about to run into him, put the vessel in such position that in being damaged he could repay it with interest. On came a large steamer all cad with iron about the bow, and hit the Varuna in the port-waist, cutting and crushing in her side. She dropped alongside and cleared out to butt again. She hit the Varuna a second time, and while is a sinking condition the Varuna poured the 8-inch shells into him so fast that the rebel vessel was set on fire and driven on shore.
Captain Boggs of the Varuna reports as follows:
I have the honor to report that after passing the batteries, with the steamer Varuna under my command, on the morning of the 24th, finding my vessel amidst a nest of rebel steamers, I started ahead, delivering her fire both starboard and port at every one that she passed. The first on her starboard beam that received her fire appeared to loaded with troops. her boiler was exploded and she drifted to the shore. In like manner three other vessels, one of them a gun-boat, were driven on shore in flames, and afterward blew up. At six a.m. the Varuna was attacked by the Morgan, iron-clad about the bow, commanded by Beverly Kennon, an ex-naval officer. This vessl raked us along the port gangway, killing four and wounding nine of the crew. Butting the Varuna on the quarter and again on the starboard side, I managed to get three 8-inch shells into her abaft her armor, as also several shot from the after rifled gun, when she dropped out of action, partially disabled. While still engaged with her another rebel steamer, iron-clad, and with a prow under water, struck us in the port gangway, doing considerable damage. Out shot glancing from her bow, she backed off for another blow, and struck again in the same place, crushing in the side; but by going ahead fast the concussion drew her bow around and I was able with the port-guns, to give her, while close alongside, five 8-inch shell abaft her armor. This settled her and drove her ashore in flames. Finding the Varuna sinking I ran her into the bank, let go the anchors, and tied her up to the trees. During all this time the guns were actively at work crippling the Morgan, she making feeble efforts to get up steam. This fire was kept up until the water was over the gun-trucks, when I turned my attention to getting the wounded and crew out of the vessel. The Oneida, Captain Lee, seeing the condition of the Varuna, had rushed to her assistance, but I waved her on, and the Morgan surrendered to her, the vessel in flames. I have since learned that over fifty of his crew were killed and wounded, and she was set on fire by her commander, who burned his wounded with his vessel. I can not award too much praise to the officers and crew of the Varuna for the noble manner in which they supported me, and their coolness under such exciting circumstances, particularly when extinguishing fire, having been set on fire twice during the action by shell.
In fifteen minutes from the time the Varuna was struck she was on the bottom, with only her top-gallant forecastle out of water.
The officers and crew lost everything they possessed, no one thinking of leaving their station until driven thence by the water. I trust the attention of the department will be called to this loss and compensation made to those who have lost their all.
The Chalmette Batteries
Our artist writes:
At a quarter of eleven we discovered two works known as the Chalmette Batteries, one on each side of the river. One, I should judge, contained ten and the other eight guns. The signal was immediately made to prepare for battle. No flag was flying on either work, nor did they hoist one at any time. At eleven o'clock both batteries opened fire on the Cayuga. Owing to the very swift current we were unable to go ahead very fast, and it was five minutes after they opened fire before we could fire a bow gun. The enemy cracked away at us, and the shot flew around us very rapidly, most of the shot raking along our deck, and striking on or near the poop. For twenty minutes we stood the fire without being able to return a broadside, which we knew would soon silence them. In the mean time the other vessels were working with their bow guns on both works.
At the end of the twenty minutes we were within about fifty yards of the battery of ten guns, one being a mortar. Then we let drive a broadside. Its effect was terrible, and nearly silenced the work. Another broadside of grape, five second shell, and a sprinkling of shrapnel, finished that work; but as the rebels did not hoist a white flag, as they should do, we gave them another touch up, three cheers, and left them to run as fast as they chose. The other battery was soon silenced, this ship throwing in a broadside to aid in the good work. The enemy fired at us with infantry, and an artillery company was coming to their support, when they found it was of no use. I think the enemy lost quite a number of people in the engagement. We lost one man, Thomas, captain of the forecastle and of a rifle Parrott. It is supposed he was blown overboard by the wind of a passing ball, and reached the shore in safety. I heard of one man being blown overboard from the Brooklyn.
The Destruction of Cotton Ships
The artist says:
As we steamed along we found five large ships on fire with full cargoes of cotton, and they were nearly consumed.
The people of the city afterward told our sailors that on Thursday night the panic broke out in the city, and all the cotton was brought out and set on fire, and that the mob could be scarcely restrained from firing the public buildings and then the private dwellings. It was a night not equaled by any thing, even in the French revolutions.
A band of desperadoes had charge of affairs, and they were backed by Lovell, who, however, denies it; but he is accountable for the destruction of property, as he set the example by firing his own cotton first. A ram lay alongside of the levee, partially sunk, and her wood-work was on fire. Another ram affair was sunk on the Algiers side of the river. I am unable to obtain the details of the loss by fire to shipping and cotton. It will be weeks before it can be ascertained, and I have a right to suppose that we never will be able to give the full particulars of the wanton destruction of property which has occurred in and around this city during the last two days.
The river was filled with ships on fire, and all along the levee were burning vessels, no less than eighteen vessels being on fire at one time, and the enemy were firing others as fast as they could apply the torch. Such Vandalism never was heard of. The atmosphere was thick with smoke and the air hot with flames. It was a grand but sad sight. Hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of property was being wantonly destroyed. At the levee, just by the Custom-house, lay a burning ram (the Anglo-Norman).
The Fleet at New Orleans
The arrival of the fleet at New Orleans is thus described:
The view from our decks was one such as will never, in all human probability, be witnessed again. A large city lay at our mercy. Its levee was crowded by an excited mob. The smoke of the ruins of millions' worth of cotton and shipping at times half concealed the people. While men were hastening up the levee, firing ships and river craft as fast as possible, the people were rushing to and fro. Some of them cheered for the Union, when they were fired upon by the crowd. Men, women, and children were armed with pistols, knives, and all manner of weapons. Some cheered for Jeff Davis, Beauregard, etc., and used the most vile and obscene language toward us and the good old flag. Pandemonium was here a living picture. Order was to them a thing past and forgotten, and the air was rent with yells of defiance.
At two o'clock Captain Bailey went on shore, flying a flag of truce, to communicate with the authorities. As the boat drew near the levee the mob cursed the flag and every thing pertaining to it. It was with the greatest difficulty that the naval officers reached the City Hall, where the City Council, the Mayor, and Major-General Lovell were awaiting the arrival of our communications.
Flag Officer Farragut sent word to the authorities that he demanded the surrender of the city of New Orleans, and assured them of the protection of the "old flag." The city being under martial law, the civil authorities of course could do nothing; but Major-General Lovell, with all the pomposity he could command, and with all the bluster he could make, said, "Sir, I will never surrender the city." He was politely informed that the city was in our power, and, as much as we regretted the wanton destruction of property, we would not disturb them, provided they made no demonstration against us. After some talk Lovell agreed to evacuate the city with his troops (from eight to fifteen thousand), and turn the city over to the civil authorities, and that they might do as they pleased. The interview was carried on with dispatch, and Captain Bailey and Lieutenant Perkins (his aid) took a carriage and returned to their boat. On the route they were insulted, pistols pointed in their faces, and all manner of indignities offered to them. The officer in charge of the boats - Acting-Master Morton - was the recipient of all manner of insults, but suffered no bodily harm.
After dark I went on deck to see New Orleans by gaslight. How changed the scene! A little over twelve months ago miles of shipping lined the levee; the buildings hid behind the forests of masts and rigging of vessels bearing the banners of all nations of the world. None were here now. The busy hum of workmen and the cheery song of the sons of Africa, who worked at night, was not to be heard. No hissing puff of steamers going and coming to and from the cities on the banks of this great river. No ships - no signs of life were present now. A few gaslights were burning along the levee, and the dull embers and heavy smoke gave proof of a reign of anarchy and terror. The buildings were wrapped in a sombre light, and we felt that it was a city clothed in sackcloth and ashes.
The Batteries up the River
These were taken as follows:
At three o'clock the four heavy vessels - Hartford, Brooklyn, Richmond, and Pensacola - got under way and proceeded up the river, with a view of silencing two batteries located just above Carrolton. As we passed along the levee in the upper part of the city considerable Union feeling was manifested by all classes.
At Jefferson City we saw the ways from which the ram Mississippi was launched a week ago. The enemy were building ways for the construction of another; but now the place was deserted by all workmen, and quite a crowd of quiet spectators filled their places.
On arriving at Carrolton we began to look out for the batteries; but it was not until we had passed some three miles above that place that we found them, deserted, and fires burning along the line of earth-works.
This ship dropped slowly alongside, and Lieutenant Kautz, Engineer Purdy, and myself went on shore to reconnoitre and spike the guns. On landing, quite a crowd of people gathered around us, but made little of no demonstrations of joy or sorrow. We were told that the work was called Fort John Morgan, and that it was constructed to prevent an approach to New Orleans by the river from the northward.
It was an extended field-work, reaching from the riverbank, as we believe, to Lake Pontchartrain. The work was well constructed, and we traveled along its line for about two miles, and found the following armament in it that far:
In the Work near the river. Along the line.
Nine 42-pounders Nine 24-pounders carronades
Two 32-pounders Four 18-pounders
Five guns were dismounted, and platforms and circles for thirteen guns, not mounted, were found. The mounted guns were all spiked, with the exception of fifteen, which Mr. Purdy spiked. A fire had been kindled under each gun-carriage, and they were nearly destroyed at the time we visited it.
The magazine was empty, of course. A good hot shot furnace was undisturbed, and about 1000 round of 32-pounder shot lay around, intermingled with broken stands of grape. Marks of a hasty retreat were plainly visible, and we were informed that when we attacked the Chalmette Batteries, below the city, the troops which were located in Fort John Morgan were transferred to the former place, and their defeat they came up here and carried away their remaining stores, took the Jackson Railroad, and left.
Of the battery on the other side of the river I have yet learned any particulars. A boat from the Oneida went there and spiked the guns and then left. Dark coming on we dropped down the river opposite Carrolton and anchored for the night.
Surrender of the Forts
Meanwhile General Butler had pushed his men through a bayou and landed them above Forts St. Philip and Jackson. The commanders of those forts wished to resist still; but the men would not fight, and even trained the barbette guns on their officers. They surrendered accordingly. But the commander having subsequently blown up the Louisiana Captain Porter put him in double irons.