The Expedition against New Orleans. Sketched by our Special Artist
Top Picture: Bombardment of the Rebel Forts Jackson and St. Philip, April 24, 1862.
Center Left Picture: Fire-Raft sent down by the Rebels, April 17.
Center Right Picture: The United States Steamer "Mississippi" crippling the ram "Manassas," April 24.
Bottom Picture: The Third Day's Bombardment of Forts Jackson and St. Philip.
The Expedition against New Orleans. - Sketched by our Special Artist
Top Left Picture: Fight between the "Varuna" and the "Governor Moore."
Top Right Picture: "The Flag-ship "Hartford" assailed by a a steam ram and set on fire by a raft in running the forts.
Upper Center Left Picture: The "Hartford" and "Brooklyn" silencing the Chalmette Batteries.
Upper Center Right Picture: Arrival of the Flag-ship "Hartford" off the city of New Orleans, 1 p.m., April 25.
Lower Center Left Picture: Fort St. Philip.
Lower Center Right Picture: Fort Jackson
Bottom Left Picture: Blowing up the Steam Battery "Louisiana" after the surrender.
Bottom Right Picture: General Butler's troops coming through the bayou.