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Battle of North Anna
Library of Congress Pictures - Page 1

Grant's Great Campaign-

the New York 14th Heavy Artillery crossing Chesterfield Bridge,

on the North Anna, under a Heavy  Artillery Fire

From a Sketch by A. B. Waud

Jericho Mills, North Anna, Virginia

Alex Gardner, photographer

North Anna River, VA.

Federal Troops Occupying Line of Breastworks on the North Bank

North Anna River, VA

Destroyed Bridge of the Richmond and Fredericksburg Railroad


Battle of North Anna,

from the hill above Jerico Ford

Forbes, Edwin, Artist. Battle of the North Anna, from the hill above Jerico Ford showing Confederate lines, Union line, and

          road to Jerico Ford, Virginia / E.F. Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <


Forbes, Edwin, Artist. Battle of the North Anna, from the hill above Jerico Ford showing Confederate lines, Union line, and

          road to Jerico Ford, Virginia / E.F. Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <


O'Sullivan, Timothy H, photographer. North Anna River, Va. Destroyed bridge of the Richmond and Fredericksburg Railroad.

          Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.

O'Sullivan, Timothy H, photographer. North Anna River, Va. Federal troops occupying line of breastworks on the north bank.

          Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.

Waud, Alfred R. , Artist. Grants' Great Campaign-the New York 14th Heavy Artilery crossing Chesterfield Bridge, on the North

          Anna, under a heavy artillery fire. [ca. May 31] Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <


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