Battle of North Anna
Library of Congress Pictures - Page 2

Army of the Potomac (5th Corps)
Crossing the North Anna

2nd Corps, Batteries in Position on the Banks of the North Anna,
2nd Maine Battery

Fredericksburg and Richmond RR Bridge
over North Anna, in Flames

Canvas Pontoons on the North Anna

N.Y 14th Heavy Artillery Crossing Chesterfield Bridge
on the North Anna under a Heavy Artillery Fire
Forbes, Edwin, Artist. The Army of the Potomac 5th Corps crossing the North Anna, at Jerico Ford. Photograph. Retrieved
from the Library of Congress, <>.
Waud, Alfred R. , Artist. 2nd Corps, Batteries in position on the bank of the North Anna. 2nd Maine Battery. [-26] Photograph.
Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.
Waud, Alfred R. , Artist. Canvass sic pontoons on the North Anna. [between May 23 and 26] Photograph. Retrieved from the
Library of Congress, <>.
Waud, Alfred R. , Artist. Fredericksburgh sic and Richmond RR Bridge over N. Anna, in flames. [-26] Photograph. Retrieved
from the Library of Congress, <>.
Waud, Alfred R. , Artist. N.Y. 14th Heavy Artillery crossing Chesterfield bridge on the North Anna under a heavy artillery fire.
[ca. May 31] Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.