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Seven Days Battles
Union Fifth Corps

Army of the Potomac

Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan

Fifth Corps

Brig. Gen. Fitz John Porter


8th Illinois

Col. John F. Farnsworth

First Division

Brig. Gen. George W. Morell

First Brigade

Brig. Gen. John H. Martindale

2nd Maine

Col. Charles W. Roberts

18th Massachusetts

(detached with Stoneman's command)

Col. James Barnes

22nd Massachusetts

Col. Jesse A. Gove (k)

Maj. William S. Tilton (w & c)

Capt. Walter S. Sampson

Capt. D. K. Wardwell

1st Michigan

Col. Horace S. Roberts

13th New York

Col. Elisha G. Marshall

Maj. Francis A. Schoeffel

25th New York

Maj. Edwin S. Gilbert (c)

Capt. Shepard Gleason

2nd Company Massachusetts Sharpshooters

Lieut. Charles D. Stiles

Second Brigade

Brig. Gen. Charles Griffin

9th Massachusetts

Col. Thomas Cass (m w)

Lieut. Col. Patrick R. Guiney

4th Michigan

Col. Dwight A. Woodbury (k)

Lieut. Col. Jonathan W. Childs (w)

Capt. John M. Randolph

14th New York

Col. James McQuade

62nd Pennsylvania

Col. Samuel W. Black (k)

Lieut. Col. Jacob B. Sweitzer (w & c)

Capt. James C. Hull

Third Brigade

Brig. Gen. Daniel Butterfield

12th New York

Lieut. Col. Robert M. Richardson

17th New York

(detached with Stoneman's command)

Col. Henry S. Lansing

44th New York

Lieut. Col. James C. Rice

16th Michigan

Col. T. B. W. Stockton (c)

Lieut. Col. John V. Ruchle

83rd Pennsylvania

Col. John W. McLane (k)

Capt. Hugh S. Campbell (w)

Brady's Co. Michigan Sharpshooters

Capt. Kin S. Dygert


Capt. William B. Weeden

3rd Massachusetts

Capt. Augustus P. Martin

5th Massachusetts

Lieut. John B. Hyde

C, 1st Rhode Island

Lieut. Richard Waterman

D, 5th U. S. Artillery

lieut. Henry W. Kingsbury

Second Division

Brig. Gen. George Sylkes

First Brigade

Col. Robert C. Buchanan

3rd U. S. Infantry

Maj. Nathan Rossell (k)

Capt. Thomas W. Walker

Capt. John D. Wilkins

4th U. S. Infantry

Maj. Delozier Davidson (c)

Capt. Joseph B. Collins

12th U. S. Infantry

Maj. Henry B Clitz (w & c)

Capt. John G. Read

Capt. Matthew M. Blunt

14th U. S. Infantry

Capt. John D. O'Connell

Second Brigade

Lieut. Col. William Chapman

Maj. Charles S. Lovell

2nd U. S. Infantry

Capt. Adolphus F. bond

Lieut. John S. Poland

6th. U. S. Infantry

Capt. Thomas Hendrickson

10th U. S. Infantry

Maj. Charles S. Lovell

Maj. George L. Andrews

11th U. S. Infantry

Maj. De Lancey Floyd-Jones

17th U. S. Infantry

Maj. George L. Andrews

Third Brigade

Col. Couverneur K. Warren


5th New York Infantry

Lieut. Col. Hiram Duryee

10th New York

Col. John E. Bendix


Capt. Stephen H. Weed

L and M, 3rd U. S. Artillery

Capt. John Edwards

I, 5th U. S. Artillery

Capt. S. H. Weed

Third Division

Brig. Gen. George A. McCall (c)

Brig. Gen. Truman Seymour

First Brigade

Brig. Gen. John F. Reynolds (c)

Col. Seneca G. Simmons (k)

Col. R. Biddle Roberts

1st Pennsylvania (reserve)

Col. R. Biddle Roberts

Maj. Lemuel Todd

2nd Pennsylvania (reserve)

Lieut. Col. William McCandles

5th Pennsylvania (reserve)

Col. Seneca G. Simmons

Lieut. Col. Joseph W. Fisher

8th Pennsylvania (reserve)

Col. George S. Hayes

13th Pennsylvania (reserve)

(1st Rifles 6 companies)

Maj. Roy Stone

Second Brigade

Brig. Gen. George G. Meade (w)

Col. Albert L. Magilton

3rd Pennsylvania (reserve)

Col. Horatio G. Sickel

4th Pennsylvania (reserve)

Col. Albert L. Magilton

7th Pennsylvania (reserve)

Col. Elisha B. Harvey

11th Pennsylvania (reserve)

Col. Thomas F. Gallagher (c)

Capt. Daniel S. Porter

Third Brigade

Brig. Gen. Truman Seymour

Col.C. Feger Jackson

6th Pennsylvania

(detached with Casey's command)

Col. William Sinclair

9th Pennsylvania (reserve)

Col. C. Feger Jackson

Capt. John Cuthbertson (w)

10th Pennsylvania (reserve)

Col. James T. Kirk

12th Pennsylvania (reserve)

Col. John H. Taggart


A, 1st Pennsylvania

Capt. Hezekiah Easton (k)

Lieut. Jacob L. Detrich

Lieut. John G. Simpson

B, 1st Pennsylvania

Capt. James H. Cooper

G, 1st Pennsylvania

Capt. Mark Kerns (w)

Lieut. Frank P. Amsden

C, 5th U. S. Artillery

Capt. Henry V. De Hart (m w)

Lieut. Eben G. Scott

Artillery Reserve

Col. Henry J. Hunt

First Brigade (Horse Artillery)

Lieut. Col. William Hays

A, 2nd U. S. Artillery

Capt. John C. Tidball

B and L, 2nd U. S. Artillery

Capt. James M. Robertson

M, 2nd U. S. Artillery

Capt. Henry Benson

C and G, 3rd U. S. Artillery

(detached with Casey's Command)

Capt. Horatio G. Gibson

Second Brigade

Lieut. Col. George W. Getty

E and G, 1st U. S. Artillery

Lieut. Alanson M. Randol

K, 1st U. S. Artillery

Lieut. Samuel S. Elder

G, 4th U. S. Artillery

Lieut. Charles H. Morgan

A, 5th U. S. Artillery

Lieut. Adelbert Ames

K, 5th U. S. Artillery

Capt. John R. Smead

Third Brigade

Maj. Albert Arndt

A, 1st Battalion New York

Capt. Otto Diederichs

B, 1st Battalion New York

Capt. Adolph Voegelee

C, 1st Battalion New York

Capt. John Knieriem

D, 1st Battalion New York

Capt. Edward Grimm

Fourth Brigade

Maj. Edward R. Petherbridge

A, Maryland Artillery

Capt. John W. Wolcott

B, Maryland Artillery

Capt. Alonzo Snow

Fifth Brigade

Capt. J. Howard Carlisle

5th New York

(dismounted and officers and men attached elsewhere)

Capt. Elijah D. Taft

E, 2nd U. S. Artillery

Capt. J. Howard Carlisle

F and K, 3rd U. S. Artillery

Capt. La Rhett L. Livingstone

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