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2nd Battle of Bull Run
New York Times Articles

The following article is from the New York Times, dated August 31, 1862 on page 1:


The Second Bull Run Battle


Washington, Saturday Aug. 30.


To-day's Evening Star, speaking of the [???] of yesterday, says


          "The battle was continued by the army corps of Generals [???] and Sigel, of our side, against a [???] believed to number [???] to sixty [???] that is against the army corps of [???], a portion of the rest of [???] army that successful [???] its way down from White Plains through Thoroughfare Gap.

          The location of the battle of the day was in the vicinity of Haymarket, and from Haymarket off in the direction of Sudley Church, or, in other words but a few miles northwest of the scene of the never to-be-forgotten battle of Bull Run.

          Heintzelman's Corps, if we are correctly informed, came up with the enemy's rear about 10A.M., seven miles from Centreville, which point he left at daybreak.

          He found Stonewall Jackson fighting with McDowell of Sigel, or both, on the right, in the direction of Haymarket, the position they took by going north from Gainesville, to command the entrance to exit from Thoroughfare Gap.

          Our own informant, who left Centreville at 4 o'clock in the afternoon , a coll and clear-headed man, says thats up to that Four, the impression prevailed there that nothing definitely resulted from the day's fighting, which, though continuous, had not been a very bloody battle.

          Persons subsequently arriving, who were on the field of action themselves until 4P.M. , however, represent that the tide of success was decidedly with the Union army, which pushed the rebels successfully on both sides.

          Art impression prevails that the reserve of Lee's army, supposed to be from twenty to forty thousand strong, might suddenly appear near the field and we know that the heavy corps under Fitz-John Porter was so posted that it could instantly move upon Lee with equal ease, whether attacking McDowell, Sigel or Heintzelman.

          The railroad, we are happy to say, has already been repaired quite up to Bull Run, and supplies, etc., are now being transported over it to that point.

          By midnight we have every reason to believe that the Bull Run bridge will again be passable, when the trains can again run to Manassas.

          Ere evacuating Manassas, the rebels paroled the 700 Union prisoners thay had taken since the commencement of the movement for which they are paying so dearly.

          The rebels realized that prisoners is their present strait were an elephant in their hands, and wisely thus get rid of them.

          These 700 prisoners covered all the stragglers they had taken, as ell as the 500 of Tailor's Brigade.


Washington, Saturday, Aug. 30.


The following is gathered from private sources:


          On Wednesday morning, or rather Tuesday night, a report reached Warrenton Junction that Jackson was again in our rear, and that, instead of making an attack and retiring, as his cavalry did on Friday night last, at Catlett's Station, he had taken up a position on the railroad near Bristor, four miles south of Manassas; had burned two railroad trains, torn up the railroad track, cut the telegraph, and took plunders all the guards along the road.

          These reports prove to have been true, and the events of Wednesday showed his determination not to be easily driven from the neighborhood.

          It seems from what can be learned from the rebel wounded in our hands, that Jackson and Ewell started from the vicinity of Warrenton Sariaga on Sunday, with three divisions, crossed the Rappehannock some six miles sough of the Blue Ridge, and proceeded by way of Orleans and Salem to Bristor, making the distance in about two and a half days.

          On reaching this point their first object of attack was the house of Mr. [???], where ten officers were stopping, and who were on the back porch at the time, smoking.

          The house was attacked both front and rear, and the bullet-holes in the wood and plaster, with the fact that none of the party were wounded, showed what poor marksmen these rebel cavalry were. The entire party, however, with the exception of Capt. O. a. Tildenmore, were taken prisoners.

          The names of the officers taken prisoners are as follows

          Lieut. Col. Pikeson, First New York Volunteers

          Lieut. Allen, and two other Lieutenants of the same regiment

          A Lieutenant of the Fifty-Seventh Pennsylvania Regiment

          First Lieutenant of Company B, One Hundred and Fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers

          A Captain of the Fourth Maine Regiment

          Lieuts. Penndergast and Johnson of the Thirty-Eighth New York Volunteers

          The next attack of the rebels was upon a company of the One Hundred and Fifth Pennsylvania Infantry and some dozen of Pennsylvania Cavalry, left to guard the road, two or three of whom were killed, and the remainder are supposed to be captured.

          A train of empty cards then came along from Warrenton, and was fired into by a regiment of infantry and one of cavalry, but escaped serious injury.

          Orders were then issued by Jackson to tear up the railroad track, which was done, and a second train coming along, ran off the track, and was fired into.

          A third train following ran into the second and was also fired into, and some persons on board were taken prisoners.

          A fourth train made its appearance, but the Engineer suspected something wrong, stopped at a distance and blew a whistle, and being answered by one of the others, backed and returned to Warrenton.

          The two trains were then fired, under the direction of Jackson, and entirely consumed, excepting the iron-work.

          The rebels then processed a mile down the truck, burned the bridge at Cattle Run, tore up some thirty feet of the track, and cut the telegraph.

          The also burned the bridge across Broad Run, at Bristor.

          On Wednesday morning, Ewell's Rebel Division was placed in position on each side of the railroad, having three batteries, one on the right, one on the left, and, the other near the railroad, with infantry and cavalry between, the entire force [???] cealed behind brush-woods and the [???] with an open field in front.

          Our troops sent down from Warrenton Johnston to attack them consisted of Hooker's Division, with a portion of Emapney's , but the latter it is said, did not get a chance to enter into the contest.

          Gen. Hooker was in command, and act expecting the enemy to be in any large force, ordered a change through a piece of woods and cleared space, when a most murderous fire was opened upon him from the centre line of the rebels, their barracks throwing grape and canister, the most of which between and over the heads of our troops but the fire from the rebel thereof infantry was very destructive, and some of Hooker's regiments were commanded to fall back to the woods, but on being suppressed be [???] several soldiers [???] when [???] retreated, our boys pursuing them shouting an yelling.

          The Third New Jersey Brigade was commanded by Col. Carr, who had his horse shot under him while urging his men on to an attack. This is the Brigade, though somewhat changed, which so nobly held the extreme left at the battle of Williamsburgh for four hours sustaining a loss there of over six hundred killed and wounded.

          Adjutant Benedict's horse was also shot during the action.

          Lieut. Col. Potter, of the Second Regiment, Excelsior Brigade, was shot in the band while leading his men.

          The pursuit continued till dark, the enemy retreating towards Manassas.

          The result of this action was that the enemy was beaten and driven from the field, sustaining a loss about equal to our own.

          Our loss was about fifty killed and over two hundred wounded, a complete list of which was collected, but stolen.

          The Second New York regiment lost about ten officers and some ninety or one hundred killed and wounded.

          The Excelsior Brigade suffered severely.

          The physicians on the ground (Dr. Morrow of the Second New Hampshire being the only name I can now recollect) exerted themselves to relieve the wounded; and although the accommodations to operate were very poor, they succeeded during the afternoon and night attending to all.

          Gen. Pope arrived on the ground late in the evening and proceeded towards the scene of action, but the (f)ighting was then over and the enemy in full retreat.

          Jackson had left for Manassas during the day with his division, where he pillaged the place, capturing a large number of prisoners, and burning every building, except the telegraph building and a few shanties, after taking off their own old rags, and putting on our good clothing, and holding themselves to food of all kinds, arms, equipments, and whatever else they could carry away out of the cars, about a hundred of which were at that place, for the greater part loaded with supplies for our army.

          The rebels then set fi(r)e to all the cars, and they now present a mass of bleached ruins.

          On their arrival, they found a portion of two New Jersey Regiments of Infantry which had arrived there during the forenoon.They immediately attacked them our troops defending themselves for some time, but finding the number of the enemy to great, and that they were being flanked, they retreated towards Centreville, and got away with the loss of some forty wounded and about twelve killed. The rebels captured six hundred and twenty-five of them, but they were paroled yesterday morning just before the battle commended.

          The pursuit was continued towards Centreville on Thursday afternoon, and a squadron of the Second Pennsylvania Cavalry, with Gen. Birney, was in advance, and stopped at Centreville to inquire the route taken by the enemy. While there a woman  waved a flag from the back window, at which signal a force of rebel cavalry, about 2,000 strong, under Gen. Lee, emerged from  the woods. Our men had scarcely time to mount their horses and escape, coming down the road at full speed, the enemy in swift pursuit. They were followed until they cam to where our infantry were drawn in line of battle on each side of the road, at which point the rebels received a volley which caused them to retreat at more than a double-quick.

          Our troops took up the line of march, and followed the rebels during the night on Gainesville or Warrenton road, and soon came in eight of the old Bull Run battle-ground in strong position, and [???].

          The action commenced about 9 o'clock, our batteries having been placed in position, and Milroy's Brigade having the advance, was ordered to charge the rebels through the woods, and to cross toward the railroad switch, when the enemy poured into troops a perfect storm of grape and canister. This caused them to fall back, but they soon rallied, and paid the enemy with interest.

          The rebels here rose en masse behind the railroad track, and again caused our men to fall back, which they did behind Hampton's Pittsburgh Battery, which opened upon the rebels terrifically. The enemy were at the time only thirty yards distant, and the effect of the fire destroyed at least 600 of them, in this action, however, Hampton lost one of his guns. He had change his position to the left, as he was unable to maintain himself under the fire which the rebels poured into him.

          The battle in other quarters raged furiously, the general result of which has already been stated from other sources.

          The position of the forces on Thursday night remained about the same as it was at the  commencement of the action.

          The loss on both sides is heavy.

          Gen. Durara, while engaged in making a reconnaissance today, was wounded in the hand.

         The fighting up to 12 o'clock today was of a destroy character.

          We occupy the ground where the rebels had buried their dead.


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