Maj. Gen. John C. Fremont
Born: January 21, 1813
Savannah, GA
Died: July 13, 1880
New York City

Maj. Gen.: May 15, 1861
Maj. Gen. John C. Fremont
1833: Teacher of mathematics on the sloop USS Natchez
Resigned from the Navy and appointed 2nd Lieut. in U.S. Topographical Corps surveying a route from Charleston, Louisville, and Cincinnati Railroad
1842-1845: 3 Expeditions to explore the West
1846-1848: Mexican/American War
1848-1849: 4th Expedition to explore the West
1850-1851: California US Senator
1853-1854: 5th Expedition to explore the West
1856: Republican Presidential Candidate
1861: Lincoln wanted to appoint Fremont as American Minister to France, but Secretary of State Seward objected due to Fremont's radicalism
May 15, 1861: Appointed Major General and Commander of the Department of the West. This included an area from the Appalachian Mountains to the Mississippi River
July 25, 1861: Arrived in St. Louis and organized a Union army in a border state leaning towards Confederacy
Was given only 23,000 men who were 3-month volunteers - Troops did not have uniforms
Received faulty intelligence which led him to believe the Missouri state militia and Confederacy forces were twice as large then they really were
Fremont raised volunteer troops, purchased open market weapons and equipment
Fremont looking for brigadier general to command Cairo. Interviewed Brig. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant and appointed him commander in October 1861
​August 30, 1861: Grant assumed charge of the Union Army on the Mississippi. With Fremont's approval, captured Paducah, Kentucky without a shot
August 30, 1861: Without notifying Pres. Lincoln, issued martial law for Missouri. This included that all slaves would be emancipated. This caused great discomfort as Missouri was still neutral and it was possible Fremont's actions would lead Missouri to secession. Pres. Lincoln asked Fremont to reverse his order, but he refused.
September 11, 1861: Pres. Lincoln revoked the emancipation clause
October 25, 1861: Fremont's forces led by Major Zegonyi won the First Battle of Springfield
November 2, 1861: Fremont receives word removing him from the Western Department
March 1862: Placed in command of the Mountain Department. In charge of protecting the Shenandoah Valley and Washington D.C.
June 8, 1861: Battle of Cross Keys
June 9, 1862: Battle of Port Republic
With the formation of the Army of Virginia, he declined to serve under Gen. Pope as he was senior to Pope
Went to New York City expecting another command, but it never materialized
June 1864: Resigned his commission
1864: Presidential candidate for Radical Democratic Party
1878-1881: Governor of Arizona Territory, Appointed by Pres. Hayes
April 1890: Reappointed as Major General and added to the Army's retired list
Boatner, Mark M. III. The Civil War Dictionary. New York: David McKay, 1967. p 314-315
Warner, Ezra J. Generals in Blue Lives of the Union Commanders. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State, 1964. p 160-161