Near Headquarters of the Army of Virginia
September 7, 1862
The Battle of Fairfax Court-House The Battle of Fairfax Station Flag of Truce Removing the Killed and Wounded from Bull Run A Large Number of Wounded Left Upon the Field Death of Generals Stevens and Kearney.
Tuesday, Sept. 2, 1862.
As you have already been advised, the battle of "Bull Run No. 2," was concluded on Saturday last -- the Union forces falling back four or five miles to Centreville, leaving the gory battle-field, covered with the dead and dying, in possession of the enemy -- the most mortifying event of the present campaign. Sunday morning, the 31st ult., the enemy made a feint upon our left, which point was reinforced by a portion of Gen. BURNSIDE's command. No general engagement, however, was brought on. Monday morning there was some skirmishing to the left and front, but all was quiet before noon. During the day, under a flag of truce -- which did not expire until sunset -- an attempt was made to remove the wounded from the field. But this had not been accomplished, and probably not less than two hundred of our wounded were left upon the field, to the tender care of the enemy. What mercy can be expected from an enemy who almost invariably rob the dead, as I have seen done, and not unfrequently deliberately satiate their hate by Hilling, in cold blood, wounded and helpless men! God be with them, and may He who moves the hearts of all men, so move this Government, that helpless, wounded men may be properly cared for after a battle. This battle scene, with all its attendant excitement, is a fearful one, but it is not to be compared to the horrors of the scene presented after the strife is over. One can, with comparative composure, look on and witness men laying down their lives for their country, but to see and know that hundreds of these noble patriots' lives are sacrificed for the want of a properly organized ambulance corps, and corps of hospital attendants, is too much, because there is no excuse for it.
Soon after 4 o'clock P.M., Monday, the enemy, by one of his brilliant movements, succeeded in flanking us on the right, and opened a heavy fire parallel to the turnpike leading to Alexandria, extending from Centreville two miles, entirely beyond Fairfax Courthouse. This movement the Commanding General was fully prepared to meet, and our forces occupied a position on the left of the road going toward Alexandria. Stretching along the road for miles could be seen batteries in position, supported by heavy forces of infantry, some time before the real attack commenced. At about 5 o'clock, a violent thunder-storm set in, and for nearly an hour the roar of Heaven's artillery was mingled with that of the contending forces, presenting at once one of the grandest and most terrible spectacles ever witnessed, and one which will long be remembered by those who participated in or witnessed the struggle. For three and a half hours the battle raged with unabating fury; and as night closed over the scene of strife, hostilities ceased, and our left abandoned Centreville, falling back toward Fairfax, the rear protected from the onslaught of the enemy by Gen. BAYARD's brigade of cavalry.
This morning our army abandoned Fairfax Courthouse, and a line was formed extending from the forts in front of Alexandria, on the left, to the vicinity of the chain bridge on the right. As I write, a brisk cannonading has been commenced toward the right of our line -- said, by the cavalry who have come in, to be at or near Chain-bridge, but this is doubtful.
We were flanked at Centreville at about 4 o'clock. Gen. STEVENS' Division (of BURNSIDE's Corps) was at once thrown out to the west of the Fairfax Road; and after going about two miles, met the enemy in forces and the work commenced at once in good earnest. The enemy occupied (as usual) a piece of woods, from which he was driven at the point of the bayonet. The One Hundred and Fourth New-York, commanded in the engagement by Maj. SKINNER, suffered severely.
Here Gen. STEVENS fell, at about 6 o'clock, a ball passing through his head, killing him instantly, while in the triumph of victory. He was caught by one of his aids; and his body this morning was forwarded to Washington. Gen. STEVENS was well known throughout the country, and was a brave and skillful officer, much loved by his whole command. He was a native of Massachusetts, but for several years before the breaking out of this rebellion, had resided in Oregon.
Further on to the right were the commands of KEARNEY, MCCALL, KING, and a portion of FITZ-JOHN PORTER's. Owing to the defeat of the rebel force on our left by STEVENS, the coming up of a thunder Storm, and the approach of darkness, all combined, the whole of our line did not get into action. KEARNEY's and KING's troops, as usual, behaved most handsomely. Gen. KEARNEY led his troops into the embraces of a concealed foe, and there is a current rumor, believed by many, that he was taken prisoner and subsequently murdered by the rebels, who have feared his example perhaps, more than any other general belonging to the army. That the rebels have done this in one instance, at least, is positively known. At the battle on Saturday a Lieutenant of the Harris Cavalry was captured. He surrendered, had unbuckled his waist-belt and had his arm raised and was in the very act of removing the belt strap that passed over his shoulder for the purpose of delivering up his sword, when he was shot twice and instantly killed. His body lies buried near the Slave Hospital at Bull Run. Gen. KEARNEY's body was sent into our lines by a flag of truce and was sent on to Washington to-day.
The special object of the enemy in making the attack as they did, was to cut off the immense train -- numbering thousands of wagons -- upon the road between Centreville and Alexandria. There was one continuous train of baggage and empty wagons 21 miles in length, on the move to Alexandria. There was another train, miles in length, going in the same direction, upon the same road, composed of ambulances, with wounded men, and private vehicles. Still a third long train, loaded with provisions and forage, was passing toward Centreville. The rebels, to enable them the more easily to carry out their scheme, had felled trees at several places across the road. The road was full of stragglers on fool, citizens who had been invited to come out to assist the wounded, and while there, some of them refused to render that aid so much needed; convalescent soldiers from the hospitals, able to walk, but unfit for duty -- all making to the rear -- a thunder-storm in full operation, the enemy's and our own cannon keeping up a continual roar, and columns of infantry and artillery moving in every direction. From this description, a faint idea may be formed of the temptation to a panic. Gen. STEVENS saved the train, and, with others, protected the road -- and lost his life. One man, in charge of a team, when near Fairfax Court-House, attempted to start his team upon a run and pass some before him. He was speedily brought to a standstill by an officer presenting a loaded revolver, and threat'lening to shoot the man who took one step toward creating a panic.
The Skirmish at Fairfax Court-House. June 8, 1861. The New York Times. August 5, 2012. web