Maryland Campaign
Harper's Ferry - Union Order of Battle
Col. Dixon S. Miles (m, w)
Brig. Gen. Julius White
Brigade Commanders
Colonels F. G. D'Utassy
Colonel William H. Trimble
Colonel Thomas H. Ford
Colonel William G. Ward
12th Illinois Cavalry
Col. Arno Voss
M, 2nd Illinois Artillery
Capt. John C. Phillips
65th Illinois
Col. Daniel Cameron
15th Indiana Battery
Capt. John C. H. von Schlen
Indiana Battery
Capt. Silas F. Rigby
1st Maryland Cavalry
Maj. Henry A. Cole
1st Maryland P. H. Brigade
Col. William P. Maulsby
3rd Maryland, P. H. Brigade
Lieut. Col. Stephen W. Downey
8th New York Cavalry
Col. Benjamin F. Davis
A, 5th Artillery
Capt. Eugene McGrath
12th New York (militia)
Col. William G. Ward
39th New York
Maj. Hugo Hildebrandt
111th New York
Col. Jesse Segoine
115th New York
Col. Simeon Sammon
125th New York
Col. George L. Willard
126th New York
Col. Eliakim Sherrill (w)
Maj. William H. Baird
Ohio Battery
Capt. Benjamin F. Potts
82nd Ohio
Maj. Sylvester M. Hewitt
60th Ohio
Lieut. Col. Noah H. Hixon
87th Ohio
Col. Henry B. Banning
7th Squadron Rhode Island Cavalry
Maj. Augustus W. Corliss
9th Vermont
Col. George J. Stannard
Johnson, Robert Underwood and Clarence Clough Buel. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War Grant-
Lee Edition. Volume II Part II. New York: Century Co, 1884-1887. rpt. National Historical Society,
2005. p 618