Battle of New Orleans
April 18, 1862 Richmond Daily Dispatch
The following is transcribed from the Richmond Daily Dispatch, dated April 18, 1862:
Col. Tift's Marine Ram.
--We read the following from the Atlanta Intelligencer, of the:
"All eyes are now looking with anxious solicitude to the movements of the enemy on and near the Mississippi, and all seem to think the great commercial city of the West would be safe, if the mighty Sea Monster now near its completion, under the supervision of Col. Tift, could be finished in a few weeks. We understand the platers for her entire covering are now rolled, and most of them laid down, and the work is now near a stand still for want of a few tons of bolt iron from the owah Iron Works. We know the head of that large and valuable establishment is not deficient in energy or patriotism, but fear he may have given other work priority in importance. In our opinion the capture of New Orleans, and with it the boat in question, would give the enemy entire control of the West. Shall the want of a few tons of bolt iron lead to that result? We hope not."