Brig. Gen. Ben McCulloch
Born: November 11, 1811
Rutherford County, Tennessee
Died: March 7, 1862
Battle of Pea Ridge
Benton County, Arkansas

1st Lieutenant: April 12, 1836
Captain: Texas Rangers
Colonel C.S.A.: February 16, 1861
Brig. Gen.: May 11, 1861
April 21, 1836: Battle of San Jacinto ~ Assigned to Captain Moreland's Artillery Company commanding of the "Twin Sisters" (6 pounders sent by the citizens of Cincinnati) Received a battlefield commission for "conspicuous gallantry" to 1st Lieutenant
1839: Elected to the Republic of Texas House of Representatives ~ Was partially crippled in right arm in duel with Rueben Ross
Captain of company of Texas Rangers
August 12, 1840: Battle of Plum Creek ~ Scouted against the Comanche
September 1842: Scouted against Mexicans when they invaded Texas
1846-1848: Mexican-American War
1846: Named Chief of Scouts under General Zachery Taylor
1848: Returned to Texas and served under Brevet Maj. Gen. David E. Twiggs
1852: Appointed U. S. Marshall, Eastern District of Texas
February 1, 1861: Texas secedes ~ Commissioned a Colonel
February 16, 1861: Peacefully took over the Federal Arsenal in San Antonio
May 11, 1861: Appointed Brigadier General C.S.A.
May 1861: Started to build the Army of the West
Summer 1861: Established a vital alliance with Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek and other inhabitants of eastern Oklahoma
August 10, 1861: Battle of Wilson's Creek
January 11, 1862: Due to McCulloch and General Price personal or strategic differences, Maj. Gen. Van Dorn was placed in charge of the combined armies
February 17, 1862: Battle of Sugar Creek
March 5-8, 1862: Battle of Pea Ridge
March 7, 1862: While riding through thick underbrush, was shot from his horse, dying instantly
Boatner, Mark M. III. The Civil War Dictionary. New York: David McKay, 1967. p 530
Warner, Ezra J. Generals in Gray Lives of the Confederate Commanders. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State, 1992. p 200-201