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New Madrid Naval Official Records

Flag-Officer Foote

Proposing Attack on Island No. 10

Flag-Officer Foote

General Order

Commander Walke

Commanding U. S. S. Carondelet, regarding defects in that vessel

Flag-Officer Foote

to Major-General Halleck responding to instructions for attack on Island No 10

Brigadier-General Pope

Regarding the evacuation by the Confederate forces of New Madrid, Mo.

Flag-Officer Foote

General Order

Flag-Officer Foote

Regarding attack upon batteries by mortar and gunboats

Flag-Officer Foote

Regarding attack upon the upper batteries on Island No 10

Flag-Officer Foote

Regarding the continued shelling of the batteries

Commander Walke

Commanding U. S. S. Carondelet, advising the withdrawal of the mortar boats at night

Flag-Officer Foote

Transmitting letter from Major-General Halleck regarding operations for reduction of the works on Island No. 10

Major-General Pope

to Flag-Officer Foote requesting the services of a gunboat

Flag-Officer Foote

Referring to Engineering operations proposed for facilitating cooperation

Flag-Officer Foote

to Commander Walke to proceed to New Madrid for cooperation with the army forces

Flag-Officer Foote


Commander Walke

commanding U. S. S. Carondelet, requesting removal of sick and wounded

Flag-Officer Foote

Regarding combined expedition against battery on Tennessee shore

Colonel Roberts

Commanding, Forty-second Illinois Infantry

Flag-Officer Foote

Regarding a continuation of the attack upon Confederate batteries at Island No. 10

Thomas Scott

Assistant Secretary of War, Letter to Flag-Officer Foote

Commander Walke

Commanding U. S. S. Carondelet, regarding safe arrival at New Madrid

Flag-Officer Foote

Regarding recent operations

Flag-Officer Foote

to Major-General Halleck regarding the hazarding another gunboat for New Madrid

Flag-Officer Foote

Announcing the safe arrival of the U. S. S. Carondelet at New Madrid

Flag-Officer Foote

2nd message regarding the sending of a second vessel

Major-General Pope

to Commander Walke, requesting the use of yawls for the engineering work

Major-General Pope

to Commander Walke, requesting cooperation in a reconnoissance below New Madrid

Major-General Pope

to Commander Walke, requesting protection for the troops in crossing the river

Major-General Pope

to Commander Walke, requesting a signal for the movement of the troops

Major-General Pope

to Commander Walke requesting a signal for them movement of troops

Commander Walke

Regarding the silencing of the batteries preparatory to movement of troops

Commander Walke

to Maj. Gen. Pope referring to the delayed arrival of the USS Pittsburg

Major-General Pope

to Commander Walke requesting him to proceed with two gunboats to Tiptonville

Flag-Officer Foote

Announcing the surrender of Island No. 10

Flag-Officer Foote

Referring to capture of Confederate Navy Signals

Flag-Officer Foote

Referring again to captured Confederate Navy Signals

Major-General Pope

Referring to the gallantry of Commander Walke, Commanding USS Carondelet

Commander Kilty

Requesting instructions regarding the captured steamer Red Rover

Flag-Officer Foote

Transmitting report regarding the operation of the gunboats Carondelet and Pittsburg near New Madrid

Gideon Welles

Secretary of Navy conveying the Navy the thanks of the nation

Gideon Welles

Secretary of Navy commending the officers and men of the US Steamers Carondelet and Pittsburg

Gideon Welles

Furnish the full name of Acting First Master Hoel for promotion

Commander Porter

Criticising the report of Major-General Pope

Major-General Pope

Regarding the operations

Colonel Bissell

Criticism of the delayed capture of Island No. 10

President Abraham Lincoln

Transmitting a joint resolution of Congress tendering thanks

Gideon Welles

Appointment of John V. Johnston as acting Volunteer Lieutenant for gallantry in action

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