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May 12, 1862 Article
Battle of New Orleans
May 3, 1862 Richmond Daily Dispatch

The following is transcribed from the Richmond Daily Dispatch, dated May 3, 1862:

The capture of New Orleans.


Chicago, April 29.


--The following special dispatch has been received by the Times, of this city, from Fort Wright, dated the 28th inst.:

From deserters I learn that New Orleans is now in the quiet possession of Captain Porter.


The Union fleet passed Fort Jackson on Thursday, after a desperate naval engagement, in which one vessel was sunk and several badly damaged.


It was supposed by the rebels that the Union force is very heavy. The rebel loss was 60 killed and 184 wounded. The engagement lasted a part of two days.


The United States forces took possession of the city without a struggle on Friday, the rebel force having evacuated after destroying all the steamers which they had no use for.


They took with them the greater part of the military stores in the city.

No official report of the surrender of New Orleans has been received at Washington.

[Another dispatch, dated Fortress Monroe, April 28, mentions a report that the Louisiana, the iron-clad vessel built at New Orleans, was, "while on its way, sunk by the Federal ship steamer Pensacola." This needs confirmation, as, indeed, does much of the news we extract from Northern papers]

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